
About the Method

The best training guide for adults and children

Take back control of your life


Until now asthma sufferers needed to have access to the special training courses conducted just in few countries around the world. Now, you can get complete Buteyko Method training online in the comfort and privacy of you own home. Our online course is based on the work of professionals who were certified by Doctor Buteyko.


Brought to you by professionals


Doctor Buteyko's Original Method

This guide to the method resulted from collaboration of professionals and the most experienced Buteyko practitioners, qualified personally by the founder, Doctor Buteyko. Professionally produced video content provides a comprehensive outline of physiological background of the Buteyko Method, and explains and demonstrates all of the practical elements of the method. Using the video anyone can test their breathing with the extended Buteyko test. The video guides you step-by-step through a complete set of Buteyko exercises. Simple but precise narration makes the method easy to understand for any audience, including children.


Clinically tested


"...effective in improving the quality of life and reducing the intake of inhaled reliever medication in patients with asthma."

Our video was used in a double blind clinical trial of the Buteyko Breathing method in Monash University. The study demonstrated:

"a significant improvement in quality of life among those assigned to the Buteyko Breathing Technique compared with placebo, as well as a significant reduction in inhaled bronchodilator intake."

It was concluded that

"the Buteyko Breathing Technique may be effective in improving the quality of life and reducing the intake of inhaled reliever medication in patients with asthma."

Results of the trial are published in

"A clinical trial of the Buteyko Breathing Technique in asthma as taught by a video." by Opat AJ, Cohen MM, Bailey MJ, Abramson MJ.

Journal of asthma. 2000; 37(7):557-64.

Join the Buteyko Method Portal and start learning the complete Buteyko Method from the comfort of your own home!


Natural and effective asthma relief for adults and children with any stage of asthma

The Buteyko Method online course is a valuable source of information on Doctor Buteyko's techniques and exercises. All definitions and instructions in the Portal are based on the immense experience of Buteyko practitioners who trained thousands of asthmatics and people with other chronic diseases. Here you will find how to overcome and prevent symptoms of the disease using simple breathing techniques and recommendations on how to achieve progress with Buteyko Method and improve your quality of life. The "Frequently asked questions" and "Glossary" section of the Portal covers questions concerning the practical application of the method, general medications and asthma management. Futhermore, you will get access to the support of certified Buteyko practitioners should you have any issues with using the Portal or queries regarding the content.