
Relieve your asthma naturally

With Buteyko

The Buteyko Method is the most effective drug-free approach to the management of asthma and other breathing related health problems. It can be applied to asthmatics of any age, any severity and gives quick and consistent results.


Discover why so many people are breathing easier with the Buteyko Method

This Buteyko approach to respiratory health has helped people worldwide reduce symptoms of asthma and other breathing related health problems. By learning the method you will normalise your breathing pattern and control your symptoms naturally. Join the thriving community of Buteyko Method users and transform your respiratory health today.

Read about the Method


Achieve higher levels of respiratory health faster than you imagined

Breathe easier and enjoy life to the fullest with our Buteyko Method course. Our proven techniques will teach you how to optimize your breathing patterns, resulting in improved respiratory health and increased energy levels. Experience the benefits of better breathing and achieve a greater sense of well-being with our program.

Learn the Key Elements


The success of the Buteyko Method is backed by hard scientific data

Clinical trials funded by the Australian Association of Asthma Foundations in 1994 at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane demonstrated that asthmatics were able to reduce their symptomatic medication intake by 90% and their steroid medication by 30%.

Explore the research


The most efficient way to overcome asthma and other breathing related disorders

Our straightforward approach was formulated by practitioners trained directly by Doctor Buteyko. Learn the fundamentals of the original Buteyko Method and take back control of your health today. Sign up for the Buteyko Method Portal today to start your journey to better health.


Sign up to learn the Buteyko Method online today!

Simple, effective and tested

Until now asthma sufferers needed to have access to the special training courses conducted just in few countries around the world. Now, you can learn the original presentation of the classical Buteyko Method in the comfort of your own home.


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